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Graduate Program
Graduate Students
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DYNS Faculty
Emphasis Faculty
(active tab)
Santiago Acosta-Mendoza
Graduate Student
Using in vivo calcium imaging and computational models to investigate how spatial cognition arises from sensory inputs.
Computational Neuroscience
Molecular, Cellular & Circuit Mechanisms Controlling Behavior
Abby Bertics
Graduate Student
Using dynamical-systems and geometric-AI tools to better understand human intelligence
Alexander Brinkley
Graduate Student
Dendritic integration in inhibitory interneurons
Christian Bustamante
Graduate Student
Using brain organoids and human samples to study memory and consciousness
Joe Canzano
Graduate Student
Uncovering the higher visual areas, connectivity, and encoding principles supporting visual object recognition.
Computational Neuroscience
Molecular, Cellular & Circuit Mechanisms Controlling Behavior
Signal Processing & Machine Learning
May Chan
Graduate Student
Neural circuits underlying predictive behaviors during pursuit
Ryan D'Onofrio
Graduate Student
The effects of enhancing vector control efficiency by modulating Aides Aegypti lifespans
Sarah Eger
Graduate Student
Examining molecular pathways in neurodegenerative diseases using functional genomics approaches.
Network & Complexity Analysis
Sanghun Jee
Graduate Student
Investigating how the Drosophila fly's central brain integrates different types of sensory information to direct navigation.
Emily Joyce
Graduate Student
Circuitry of sensory systems
Jon Luntzel
Graduate Student
Investigating how the invertebrate brain converts visual information into a usable form for direction and orientation.
Dylan Martins
Graduate Student
Visual processing and spatial representations.
Angela Morales
Graduate Student
Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying insect sensation and behavior in Drosophila and Aedes.
Molecular, Cellular & Circuit Mechanisms Controlling Behavior
Lucas Nadolskis
Graduate Student
Cortical implants for the blind
Elizabeth Rizor
Graduate Student
Utilizes advanced MRI methods to investigate alterations in structural integrity after brain injury.
Computational Cognitive Neuroscience
Network & Complexity Analysis
Jonathan Skaza
Graduate Student
Using the artificial neural network (ANN) paradigm to gain insights into properties of biological brains
Sudhanshu Srivastava
Graduate Student
Using Bayesian models and neural networks for visual networks for visual tasks.
Thuc To
Graduate Student
System and Computational Neuroscience; elucidating the mechanisms of neural circuit underlying navigation in Drosophila
Computational Neuroscience
Molecular, Cellular & Circuit Mechanisms Controlling Behavior
Network & Complexity Analysis
Filip Tomaska
Graduate Student
Developing tools to enable further advancements in the global effort towards neuronal code deciphering.
Tjitse Van der Molen
Graduate Student
Exploring intrinsic neural circuit activity in human stem cell derived brain organoids using dense multi electrode arrays.
Molecular, Cellular & Circuit Mechanisms Controlling Behavior
Network & Complexity Analysis
Signal Processing & Machine Learning
Kevin Williams
Graduate Student
Neuronal mechanisms underlying chemotaxis in Drosophila larvae
Computational Neuroscience
Molecular, Cellular & Circuit Mechanisms Controlling Behavior
Michael Zimet
Graduate Student
Using data and math to model and understand feedback between the Heart and Brain in humans.